Citizens’ assemblies are increasingly popular in Europe and Canada. But not in the United States. How come?
The Dalan Fund has a new vision for locally-led grantmaking in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central and North Asia
Our series Loss & Damage explores what it would look like to localize climate funding
A new column for Proximate on community philanthropy and asset-based community development
Less than 20% of humanitarian aid to Ukraine goes directly to grassroots NGOs. A coalition of Ukrainian activists is trying to change that
Rawa Fund is holding donors accountable for cutting funds to the grassroots
Can Malawi's participatory weather forecasting project change the game in a changing climate?
Uma investigação sobre a abordagem participativa ao buscar soluções para desafios do Brasil, por brasileiros
A reação à filantropia baseada na confiança veio à tona. É hora de os líderes doadores de base comunitária responderem.
We spoke with the founder of Baixada Institute about the need to hold honest conversations between donors and communities
We spoke with Amber Banks about DWP's participatory model and their work in the Global South
From self-assessment tools to resources on how to do the inner work, there's a lot of help out there
Backlash to trust-based philanthropy has come out into the open; it's time for grassroots grantmaking leaders to respond
Vermont's largest food bank is responding to the state's growing diversity by offering culturally-relevant food
This summer, sex workers came together to celebrate cinema – and challenge the traditional film festival model
A new approach seeks to combat the growing lack of affordable housing across the archipelago
One by one, cooperatives and crowdfunding projects are taking back control of our energy system.
A new "Consumer Reports" for digital participation platforms, from People Powered
Months after the attack on the National Congress, President Lula is betting on a new digital platform to give citizens a voice in their democracy
Ruchi Varma has a vision for designing safer school zones that involves asking children as young as nine what they should look like